Great Shot Video
Cameraman, Video Editor and Owner Em Cummins with over 20 years of BBC Experience

Filming Mark Schwarzer going live to Australia from Anfield in Liverpool at a Champions League football match
With over 20 years of broadcasting experience for the BBC and also the BBC website, I have also travelled at home and abroad to film and edit for the BBC.
Since starting my company in 2012, I have made many videos for local clients as well as filming and editing all over the UK, throughout Europe, the USA, and Saudi Arabia, for international organisations. All this has come from repeat business from clients and recommendations and I have not needed to advertise anywhere.
I can film in 4K and HD and have two Sony FS7 4K cameras (a mark 1 and a mark 2) as well as two other HD cameras and all the necessary microphones and lighting to go with the cameras.
I can Film, Direct, Produce and Edit myself, so I normally have no requirement to hire anyone in to do this work unlike other companies. If a project does require more people, I have a network of highly skilled colleagues to work alongside me.
I also film and present at Media Training courses, film live events, sport, conferences and my 4 cameras, a green screen, tracks, dollies, a Ronin “M” gimball and GoPro (HD and 4K) cameras to make sure you get the best video for your needs. I also have a Sony A7S mark 2 camera and smaller gimball cameras when 4K is required but space is tight.
I have successfully complated a training course for filming safely during the coronavirus epidemic for video production and have also passed a refresher course on this too in January 2021.

2 camera shoot Interview with the Health Secretary, The Right Honourable Matt Hancock, MP and Chris Hopson, Chief Executive of NHS Providers.
